Respect To Obama

Datum: 2010-05-03 | Tid: 10:37:08 | Kategori: Allt och ingenting

Del 2.

Jag har alltid älskat Barack Obama, han är så sjukt cool.

När jag blev intervjuad av Hallands Nyheter om förebilder så nämnde jag honom.

Jag har läst hans självbiografi(som han skrev innan han ställde upp i presidentvalet) och blev så himla inspirerad av hans kamp. Han reflekterade och analyserade djupt ner i sig själv. Han har aldrig varit rik eller fattig så han vet hur den största delen av samhället, medelklassen, resonerar och tycker och vad de behöver.

Och den här videon ifrån middagen de hade nyligen(Correspondents Dinner eller vad det nu heter) är så jäkla rolig. Haha.

Jag såg den faktiskt för att ett Jonas Brothers-fans hade länkat den och bara:"OHMYGOD HE MENTIONED JONAS BROTHERS AAAAH!"

Jag: "Oh-key....?"

Det är skillnad på fans och fans. (överdrivnaskrikochspringohmygod)fans och (allaviandrasomgillardemmenintebehöverskrikasomenstuckengrisfördet)fans.


Favoritquotes från videon:

"Biden talked me into it. He leaned over and he said: 'Mr President.... this is no ordinary dinner. This is a big *bleep*ing meal!'"

"It's been quite a year... lots of ups... lots of downs... except for my approval ratings who have just gone down."

"Though, I happen to know that my approval ratings are still very high in the country of my birth."

"The other day my dear friend Hillary Clinton gave me a pep-talk, she said: 'despite the numbers, don't worry Barack. You're like-able enough.'"

"I am glad though that the only person who's ratings fell more than mine last year is here tonight.. Great to see you Jay(Leno)!"

"By the way all the jokes tonight are brought to you by our friends at Goldman Sachs... so you don't have to worry, they make money whether you laugh or not!"

"There are few things in life that are harder to find and more important to keep, than love........well, love and a birth certificate."

"The Jonas Brothers are here... they're out there somewhere. Sasha and Malia are huge fans. Oh, but boys don't get any ideas. I have two words for ya: predator drones. You will never see it coming! ...... You think I'm joking?"

"Scott Brown is not the only one with a photo spread floating around... recently David Axelrod was offered a opportunity of his own. (skratt) Now I did not know that crispy cream had a catalog. But... it's true!"

"Unfortunately John McCain couldn't make it... recently he claimed that he never identified himself as a mabrick(sp?)... and we all know what happens in Arizona when you don't have ID."

"This year I've had my fair share of disspointment... for example I had my heart set on the nobel prize... for physics. But hey, you can't win 'em all!"


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